Sheltering old, unproductive and abandoned cows in traditional cow shelters (gaushalas) is an ancient practice in India. Their slaughter is illegal in most states of our country today. The public, businesses, corporates, charitable societies, temple trusts and government usually fund these shelters.
Protecting the cows also helps in biodiversity and natural farming. Products derived from Cows called Panchagavya-milk, urine, dung, ghee, and curd, are used to prepare manure, jeevamrutham, pest control solutions and medicines.
In 1947, the Government of India appointed a committee which recommended establishment of ‘Gosadans’ where ‘uneconomic’ cattle could be housed cheaply and allowed to die a natural death. In pursuance of this recommendation a scheme for establishment of 160 Gosadans in the country was included in the first five year plan though only 17 could be started during that period. Lack of funds with the State Governments for meeting their share of expenditure, non-availability of suitable land, absence of legislative measures for the compulsory removal of unproductive cattle from owner’s premises, transport difficulties etc. are the reasons generally as to why the ‘Gosadan’ scheme could not succeed then.
Tapasvi takes pride and pleasure of serving Cows. It is a rewarding activity and can be lots of fun too, as our indigenous cows are very affectionate, alert, friendly, love to be hugged and patted.
Cleaning and Maintenance : Cow seva (caring for the cows) is considered one of the highest forms of service. Bathing cows, cleaning sheds and open enclosures, inspecting cows for injuries and ailments, and attending to the medical needs of the cows are all part of the service we offer to the cows at our Goshaala.
They also need to be vaccinated against endemic diseases and dewormed from time to time.
Our Goshaala houses 14 Desi cows currently. Desi cow milk is categorized as A2 milk with lots of health benefits and the only source available for the preparation of the A2 desi ghee. Research also has proven the positive effects of it in alcohol and drug deaddiction. The other milk that we consume is mostly contain the A1 protein which the main cause for lactose intolerance. Additionally, our Goshaala has also become a site for a number of exotic birds.
Feeding of fresh and dry fodder, gram husk, and mineral supplements are served to them in their sheds thrice a day. They are let out mid-morning for grazing. Visitors are provided information regarding the different breeds of Indian cows, their material and spiritual benefit to society. Visitors with extra time may offer a helping hand by grooming the cows and cleaning the sheds.
The manager of the shelter provides an interface between visitors, workers and cattle and is best able to understand the challenges of running shelters.
Go Daana (Donate a Cow): This is considered the highest form of dana or donation in the Hindu tradition. Money and cheque contributions are accepted for the same and for grass and fodder.