“Numbers don’t count. Even if we can change one life, it means a great deal to us.”


Tapasvi Tejonilayam is the service, will provide free education, and Shelter for orphans, semi orphans, and the children coming under the below poverty line. Having extraordinary dream to see a day when no Indian child would be deprived of rights as basic as survival, participation, protection, and development.

All we know that “Education can change one’s life.” It can provide individual development as well as the society. But our present educational system is not able to fulfill it. Most of the educational institutions, whether private or government, are not, able to, implement what they promised at their initial stages. In most of the institutions, it is observed that the focus is over completion of the syllabus in time to get outstanding results by way of great scores and ranks.

It is a blatant truth that the success in anyone’s life cannot be measured through the ranks or the marks that an individual achieves. This should have the composition of values, skills, and the overall personality that an individual gets groomed to get a perfect shape that leads him/her for a successful career/life.

In today’s age, the students are not getting these life skills as part of their academic education. Because of lack of these skills, the students once they complete their education, in a majority, are failing in their real life, due to the lack of confidence and sufficient knowledge in facing the social challenges. Very few students are succeeding in these life skills either by virtue of their exceptional intelligence or due to their strong financial family background. The failures due to the lack of these life skills will result in compromised values that have a long run effect harming the society.

Considering the impact of lack of grooming the children with a value-based education, it is the time for us to change ourselves as well as our education system. TAPASVI with this ideology aims to provide modern education to the economically deprived and challenged poor and orphan children who are unable to get it. And we are started a steps towards it by following some methods. We adopt the students who are orphans, semi orphans and economically backward.

Keeping this in mind, TAPASVI took initiative, by the name of, Tejonilayam, in implementing the ancient system of Gurukulam with a blend of imbibing the social values in the modern education system. Our student starts the day with surya namaskaras, yoga, and exercises. Our daily school routine starts with prayer including, meditation, moral stories, and motivation speeches.

Tejonilayam designed it’s schedule in such a way that the regular academic curriculum is completed by Noon. The post noon sessions comprise in training the students in three Languages, Mathematics, and Environmental Sciences by dividing the entire students into three categories.

Tejonilayam encourage every student in improving their communication skills in all modes that include reading, listening, writing, and speaking which improve the levels of understanding of every individual. We are also conducting different activities in every weekend like quiz, elocution, intercultural programs.As part of this the children are encouraged and trained in their personal interests such as drawing, dances, games and sports.

Tejonilayam is also providing special training in Karra Saamu to girls as part of self-defense arts.Our main objective is to train every student in such a way that he has the learning of how to settle in life not only by getting jobs but also in all fronts. They develop right attitude and behavior and become a good citizen in the society.

Tejonilayam can proudly say that its first step in achieving the goal in imbibing life skills in our academic patterns will result in its first batch in another 6 months.We hope that we can reach our goal by implementing our methods with our sincere efforts with all your support.

Our slogan is
“Better Education — Better future”


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